Chang's conjecture weak square Chromatic number Mandelbrot set Souslin Tree Commutative cancellative semigroups Foundations Luzin set Whitehead Problem Forcing Axioms incompactness Rock n' Roll Jonsson cardinal Greatly Mahlo Diamond-sharp Uniformly coherent Axiom R super-Souslin tree Dushnik-Miller SNR square Almost-disjoint family Vanishing levels Strongly compact cardinal Nonspecial tree transformations Singular cofinality Non-saturation Closed coloring Fodor-type reflection Aronszajn tree Amenable C-sequence Partition Relations xbox Intersection model Precaliber Coherent tree Strongly Luzin set projective Boolean algebra Iterated forcing Successor of Regular Cardinal PFA(S)[S] Singular cardinals combinatorics stick Forcing Antichain C-sequence Countryman line weak diamond GMA ccc Analytic sets Cardinal Invariants Subnormal ideal weak Kurepa tree full tree PFA reflection principles sap Selective Ultrafilter ZFC construction Was Ulam right? club_AD Sakurai's Bell inequality Cohen real Uniformization Well-behaved magma positive partition relation Ineffable cardinal Rado's conjecture Erdos-Hajnal graphs Singular Density Microscopic Approach unbounded function specializable Souslin tree 54G20 Respecting tree very good scale Shelah's Strong Hypothesis Hedetniemi's conjecture Diamond for trees Postprocessing function L-space Successor of Singular Cardinal Cardinal function stationary reflection Subadditive strongly bounded groups OCA O-space countably metacompact Generalized Clubs Ulam matrix Commutative projection system Dowker space Parameterized proxy principle Sigma-Prikry Subtle cardinal Diamond stationary hitting free Boolean algebra free Souslin tree Filter reflection Subtle tree property nonmeager set AIM forcing Small forcing Open Access S-Space Ascent Path Slim tree Absoluteness Hereditarily Lindelöf space Lipschitz reduction square principles Ostaszewski square Universal Sequences b-scale Weakly compact cardinal Knaster Almost countably chromatic polarized partition relation Reflecting stationary set Uniformly homogeneous HOD Distributive tree Prevalent singular cardinals Martin's Axiom Strong coloring Hindman's Theorem Ramsey theory over partitions middle diamond Fast club Sierpinski's onto mapping principle Prikry-type forcing tensor product graph Fat stationary set regressive Souslin tree Knaster and friends Almost Souslin Club Guessing Rainbow sets diamond star Constructible Universe P-Ideal Dichotomy Poset Minimal Walks Reduced Power indecomposable ultrafilter Local Club Condensation. higher Baire space Erdos Cardinal Kurepa Hypothesis Square-Brackets Partition Relations Large Cardinals Generalized descriptive set theory approachability ideal coloring number
Category Archives: Blog
Afghan Whigs on Jimmy Fallon
Performing “I’m Her Slave” (from their album Congregation) at NBC’s studios, 22-May-2012:
The chromatic numbers of the Erdos-Hajnal graphs
Recall that a coloring $c:G\rightarrow\kappa$ of an (undirected) graph $(G,E)$ is said to be chromatic if $c(v_1)\neq c(v_2)$ whenever $\{v_1,v_2\}\in E$. Then, the chromatic number of a graph $(G,E)$ is the least cardinal $\kappa$ for which there exists a chromatic … Continue reading
Posted in Blog, Expository
Tagged Chromatic number, Erdos-Hajnal graphs, Rado's conjecture, reflection principles
Shelah’s approachability ideal (part 1)
Given an infinite cardinal $\lambda$, Shelah defines an ideal $I[\lambda]$ as follows. Definition (Shelah, implicit in here). A set $S$ is in $I[\lambda]$ iff $S\subseteq\lambda$ and there exists a collection $\{ \mathcal D_\alpha\mid\alpha<\lambda\}\subseteq\mathcal [\mathcal P(\lambda)]^{<\lambda}$, and some club $E\subseteq\lambda$, so … Continue reading
Review: Is classical set theory compatible with quantum experiments?
Yesterday, I attended a talk at the Quantum Foundations seminar at the beautiful Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (Waterloo, Ontario). The (somewhat provocative) title of the talk was “Is Classical Set Theory Compatible with Quantum Experiments?”, and the speaker was Radu … Continue reading
Comparing rectangles with squares through rainbow sets
In Todorcevic’s class last week, he proved all the results of Chapter 8 from his Walks on Ordinals book, up to (and including) Theorem 8.1.11. The upshots are as follows: Every regular infinite cardinal $\theta$ admits a naturally defined function … Continue reading
Pure logic
While traveling downtown today, I came across a sign near a local church, with a quotation of Saint-Exupéry:
Jane’s Addiction visiting Toronto
Last night, I went to see a live show by Jane’s Addiction, in downtown Toronto. Here’s a video snippet from that show which I could found on YouTube: The playlist was excellent, but there was one song which I was … Continue reading
c.c.c. vs. the Knaster property
After my previous post on Mekler’s characterization of c.c.c. notions of forcing, Sam, Mike and myself discussed the value of it . We noticed that a prevalent verification of the c.c.c. goes like this: given an uncountable set of conditions, … Continue reading
Dushnik-Miller for regular cardinals (part 3)
Here is what we already know about the Dushnik-Miller theorem in the case of $\omega_1$ (given our earlier posts on the subject): $\omega_1\rightarrow(\omega_1,\omega+1)^2$ holds in ZFC; $\omega_1\rightarrow(\omega_1,\omega+2)^2$ may consistently fail; $\omega_1\rightarrow(\omega_1,\omega_1)^2$ fails in ZFC. In this post, we shall provide … Continue reading
A large cardinal in the constructible universe
In this post, we shall provide a proof of Silver’s theorem that the Erdos caridnal $\kappa(\omega)$ relativizes to Godel’s constructible universe. First, recall some definitions. Given a function $f:[\kappa]^{<\omega}\rightarrow \mu$, we say that $I\subseteq\kappa$ is a set of indiscernibles for … Continue reading