Recall that the chromatic number of a (symmetric) graph $(G,E)$, denoted $\text{Chr}(G,E)$, is the least (possible finite) cardinal $\kappa$, for which there exists a coloring $c:G\rightarrow\kappa$ such that $gEh$ entails $c(g)\neq c(h)$.
Given a forcing notion $\mathbb P$, it is natural to analyze $\text{Chr}(\mathbb P,\bot)$, where $p\bot q$ iff $p$ and $q$ are incompatible conditions. Here is a concrete example.
Prikry Forcing. Suppose that $\kappa$ is a measurable cardinal, and $\mathcal U$ is a non-principal, normal $\kappa$-complete ultrafilter over $\kappa$. Prikry’s notion of forcing $\mathbb P_{\mathcal U}$ is the collection of all pairs $(\sigma,A)$ such that
- $\sigma\in[\kappa]^{<\omega}$, and
- $A\in\mathcal U$ with $\max(\sigma)<\min(A)$.
$\blacktriangleright$ A condition $(\sigma_2,A_2)$ extends $(\sigma_1,A_1)$ iff $A_2\subseteq A_1$ and $\sigma_2\setminus\sigma_1\subseteq A_1$. That is, we are allowed to shrink the $A$-part, and allowed to end-extend $\sigma$ by adding to it finitely many elements from $A$.
Let us point out that $\text{Chr}(\mathbb P_{\mathcal U},\bot)\ge\kappa$:
Suppose not, as witnessed by some chromatic coloring $c:\mathbb P_\mathcal U\rightarrow\lambda$, with $\lambda<\kappa$. Define $f:[\kappa]^{2}\rightarrow\lambda$, by letting $f(\alpha,\beta):=c(\langle\alpha,\beta\rangle,\kappa)$. Then, by the Erdos-Rado theorem, there exists an infinite set $A$ (indeed, a set of size $\lambda^+$), for which $f\restriction [A]^2$ is constant. Let $\alpha<\beta<\gamma$ be elements of $A$. Then $c(\langle \alpha,\beta\rangle,\kappa)=f(\alpha,\beta)=f(\alpha,\gamma)=c(\langle \alpha,\gamma\rangle,\kappa)$, contradicting the fact that $(\langle \alpha,\beta\rangle,\kappa)\bot(\langle \alpha,\gamma\rangle,\kappa)$.
Now, let us show that $\text{Chr}(\mathbb P_{\mathcal U},\bot)=\kappa$, and even in a strong sense. For this, it is customary to introduce some terminology. We say that a subset $D\subseteq\mathbb P_\mathcal U$ is a deciding set if there exists a statement $\varphi$ in the forcing language, such that $$D=\{ p\in\mathbb P_\mathcal U\mid p\text{ decides } \varphi\}.$$
The Prikry property. There exists a chromatic coloring $c:\mathbb P_\mathcal U\rightarrow\kappa$ such that:
- any $c$-homogeneous set of size $<\kappa$ admits a lower bound;
- $c$ witnesses $\mathbb P_{\mathcal U}\nrightarrow[\text{Deciding}]^1_\kappa$, that is, $c[D]=\kappa$ for every deciding set $D\subseteq\mathbb P_\mathcal U$.
Proof. Let $c:\mathbb P_{\mathcal U}\rightarrow[\kappa]^{<\omega}$ be the projection map $(\sigma,A)\mapsto\sigma$. Since $\mathcal U$ is a filter, $c$ is a chromatic coloring. Moreover, if $Q$ is a $c$-homogeneous set of size $<\kappa$, then there exists some $\sigma\in[\kappa]^{<\omega}$ and $\mathcal A\in[\mathcal U]^{<\kappa}$ such that $Q=\{ (\sigma,A)\mid A\in\mathcal A\}$, and so the fact that $\mathcal U$ is $\kappa$-complete, entails that $p=(\sigma,\bigcap\mathcal A)$ is a lower bound for $Q$.
Next, suppose that we are given a statement $\varphi$ in the forcing language, together with some $\sigma\in[\kappa]^{<\omega}$, and let us find some $p\in\mathbb P_\mathcal U$ that decides $\varphi$, and satisfying $c(p)=\sigma$.
We shall take advantage of a theorem of Rowbottom stating that for every function $f:[\kappa]^{<\omega}\rightarrow2$, there exists a set of indiscernibles for $f$ that lies in $\mathcal U$. Indeed, define $f:[\kappa\setminus\max(\sigma)+1]^{<\omega}\rightarrow 2$ by letting $f(\eta)=1$ iff there exists some $B\in\mathcal U$, such that $(\sigma\cup\eta,B)$ forces $\varphi$ to hold.
Let $A\in\mathcal U$ be a set of indiscernibles for $f$, and put $q:=(\sigma,A)$. Then $c(q)=\sigma$, and we are left with showing that $q$ decides $\varphi$. Suppose it does not. Then there exist extensions $q_0=(\sigma_0,A_0)$ and $q_1=(\sigma_1,A_1)$ of $q$ such that $q_0$ forces $\varphi$ to hold, while $q_1$ forces $\varphi$ to fail. Note that by (possibly) further extending one of the conditions, we may assume that $|\sigma_0|=|\sigma_1|$. Let $\eta_0,\eta_1$ be such that $\sigma_0=\sigma\cup\eta_0$ and $\sigma_1=\sigma\cup\eta_1$. Then, there exists some $n<\omega$ such that $\{\eta_0,\eta_1\}\subseteq[\kappa\setminus\max(\sigma)+1]^n$. In particular, $f(\eta_0)=f(\eta_1)$.
By the choice of $q_0$, we get that $f(\eta_0)=1$. It follows that $f(\eta_1)=1$, and hence there exists some $B\in\mathcal U$ such that $(\sigma\cup\eta_1,B)$ forces $\varphi$ to hold. In particular, $(\sigma_1,B\cap A_1)$ is an extension of $q_1$ that forces $\varphi$ to hold. This is a contradiction. $\square$
Corollary. $\mathbb P_{\mathcal U}$ does not add any bounded subsets of $\kappa$.
Proof. Suppose that $\theta<\kappa$ and $q$ forces that $X$ is a name for a subset of $\theta$. For every $\alpha<\theta$, let $D_\alpha:=\{ p\in\mathbb P\mid p\text{ decides whether }\alpha\in X\}$. For every $\alpha<\theta$, let us pick $p_\alpha\in D_\alpha$ such that $c(p_\alpha)=c(q)$. Then $\{ q,p_\alpha\mid \alpha<\theta\}$ is a $c$-homogeneous set of size $<\kappa$, and hence admits a lower bound. Clearly, any such bound forces that $X$ is equal to a ground model set. $\square$
Corollary. Any set of ordinals of size $\ge\kappa$ in the extension, is covered by a ground model set of the same size.
Proof. By $\text{Chr}(\mathbb P_\mathcal U,\bot)=\kappa$, we know that $\mathbb P_\mathcal U$ has the $\kappa^+$-chain-condition, which implies the above assertion. $\square$
It follows that $\mathbb P_\mathcal U$ does not collapse cardinals. But what kind of new sets does it add?
$\blacktriangleright$ The obvious set that it adds is $g=\bigcup\{ \sigma\mid (\sigma,A)\in G\}$, where $G$ is $\mathbb P_\mathcal U$-generic. A density argument shows that $g$ is countable set such that $g\setminus A$ is finite for every $A\in\mathcal U$. In particular, $\sup(g)=\kappa$, and hence $g\cap K$ is finite for any ground model $K\in[\kappa]^{<\kappa}$.
$\blacktriangleright$ I asked Magidor for a concrete example of a subset of $\kappa^+$ in the extension which does not contain a ground model set of the same size. He gave me one under the assumption of $2^\kappa=\kappa^+$:
Example. Suppose that $\text{cf}(\mathcal U,\supseteq)=\kappa^+$. Since $\mathcal U$ is normal, we can find an enumerated family $\{ A_\alpha\mid \alpha<\kappa^+\}\subseteq\mathcal U$ which is cofinal in $(\mathcal U,\supseteq)$, and such that $\alpha<\beta<\kappa^+$ implies that $A_\beta\setminus A_\alpha$ is bounded in $\kappa$. In the generic extension, let $g:\omega\rightarrow\kappa$ denote the increasing enumeration of the generic Prikry sequence. Using $g$, we can define $F:\kappa^+\rightarrow\omega$ by letting $F(\alpha):=\min\{ n<\omega\mid g[\omega\setminus n]\subseteq A_\alpha\}$.
Let $\pi:\kappa^+\leftrightarrow\kappa^+\times\omega$ be a bijection. Towards a contradiction, suppose that $p=(\sigma,A)\in\mathbb P_{\mathcal U}$ forces that a ground model $F’\subseteq\kappa^+$ of size $\kappa^+$ is a subset of $\pi^{-1}[F]$. In particular, $\pi[F’]$ is a partial function. Fix a large enough $\alpha\in\text{dom}(\pi[F’])$ such that $A_\alpha$ is small enough to satisfy $|A\setminus A_\alpha|\ge\omega$. Then pick $\eta\in[A\setminus A_\alpha]^{\pi[F’](\alpha)+1}$, and consider $q=(\sigma\cup\eta,A\setminus\max(\eta)+1)$. Then $q$ is an extension of $p$ that forces that $F(\alpha)>n=\pi[F’](\alpha)$. This is a contradiction. $\square$
Update: note that the above argument moreover entails (assuming, e.g., $2^\kappa=\kappa^+$) that every ground model stationary set $S\subseteq\kappa^+$, has a stationary subset $T\subseteq S$ in the extension, for which no ground model set of size $\kappa^+$ is a subset of $T$.
Dear Assaf,
The arguments are really interesting.
I am always surprised, when I see a topic about Prirky type forcings.
Thank you, Mohammad!
I wonder whether the perspective of negative partition relations sheds new light on the Prikry property?
The following might be useful:
Kimchi, Yechiel M. “GENERALIZING PRIKRY FORCING AND PARTITION RELATIONS.” Proceedings of the Israel Mathematical Union Conference: Tel Aviv, 1988. Israel Mathematical Union, 1988.
I have no access to it, but you may be able to obtain the notes.
Thanks a lot! I asked a colleague to borrow the book from the library and scan the relevant pages. Attached!
Edit: Here’s a relevant video (and abstract).
Edit 2022: See the abstract for Kimchi’s talk on the book of LC2017.
Please note that the results published in LC2017
improve the uni-directional results of 1988 into equiconsitency.
Please note that Remark(c) in the 1988 abstract has a typo in it
– please refer to Note(2) in the LC2017 for the correct statement.
Thanks a lot for the paper.
Do you know what the forcing notion introduced in the paper (by Kimchi himself) is and if there are any references to find it
I asked Magidor. He said that, at the end, the paper did not make it into print.
As for the proof – it is probably best to ask him next month, when we all meet in Oberwolfach.
I think the following gives a simpler proof of Magidor’s result. In fact I think it is possible to prove something more:
Theorem. Suppose $\kappa^{<\kappa}=\kappa, W\supseteq V, kappa$ is preserved in $W$ and $A\subseteq\kappa, A\in W\setminus V.$ Then there is $B\subseteq\kappa, B\in W$ such that no subset of $B$ of size $kappa$ is in $V$.
To see this, fix a bijection $f\in V, f: [\kappa]^{<\kappa} \rightarrow \kappa,$ and let $B=\{ f[A\cap\alpha]: \alpha < \kappa\}.$
Hi Mohammad,
I believe your result and Magidor’s are incomparable, as yours deals with subsets of $\kappa$, while Magidor’s with subsets of $\kappa^+$.
My result is in general; for the Magidor case, take $kappa^+,$ and note that as he assumes $2^kappa=kappa^+,$ so we have $(kappa^+)^{<kappa^+}=kappa^+.$ So if we have a subset of $kappa^+$ of size $kappa^+$ in the Prikry extension, then by the above, we have one which has no ground model subset of the same size.
I realized that the above argument works when every bounded subset of $\kappa$ is in $V$.
So the above argument does not work for your case above (Magidor’s example).
that’s right. thanks for the update!
Dear Assaf, I have a suggestion: Why not adding your really nice written notes in your blog (, into your paper “surprisingly short”.
Thanks, Mohammad. While I agree that PDF layout is much nicer than that of a weblog, I find it more convenient to write+include hyperlinks+maintain/update these short pieces on my weblog, than on a compiled PDF file.
The following paper by Gitik is related to Magidor’s theorem stated above:
On density of old sets in Prikry type extensions
Thanks a lot, Mohammad!
Dear Mohammad and Assaf,
I’m sorry for the 7-year delay, I just came across this post.
In relation to Gitik’s paper, it turns out that the property of sets in the generic extension of certain cardinality containing ground model sets of the same cardinality is fully characterized by a pretty simple combinatorial property of the ultrafilter we use for the Prikry forcing. The so-called Galvin property.
Def. Let U be an ultrafilter on \kappa. Gal(U,\mu,\lambda) holds if any collection of \lambda many elements in U contains a subcollection of size \mu whose intersection is in U.
The result is more general in the following sense:
Gal(U,\mu,\lambda) characterizes the situation where every set of ordinals of size \lambda in the U-Prikry extension V[G] contains a ground model set of size \mu. This is proven in my paper with Alejandro Poveda and Shimon Garti- “negating the Galvin property” (one of the directions is a slight modification of the argument from Gitik’s paper mentioned above):
see theorem 4.10 (there is a typo there- the assumption that U is normal is redundant)
Now under 2^\kappa=\kappa^{+} it is known that Gal(U,\kappa^+,\kappa^+) must fail (this is a result of Kanamori from the 70’s). A more general result which I recently proved is that Gal(U,cf(Ch(U)),cf(Ch(U)) must fail where Ch(U) is the minimal size of a base for U (if 2^\kappa=\kappa^+ the ch(Ch(U))=\kappa^+). So you can always find a set of size cf(Ch(U)) in V[G] that does not contain a ground model set of size cf(Ch(U)).
Also for Gal(U,\kappa^+,\kappa^+) to hold we need more than o(\kappa)=\kappa^{++} (which is the naive lower bound as we must violate GCH at a measurable according to Kanamori (or Magidor’s example))