Tag Archives: Almost-disjoint family

The vanishing levels of a tree

Joint work with Shira Yadai and Zhixing You. Abstract. We initiate the study of the spectrum of sets that can be realized as the vanishing levels V(T) of a normal κ-tree T. This is an invariant in the … Continue reading

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Universal binary sequences

Notation. Write Q(A):={aAa is finite,a}. Suppose for the moment that we are given a fixed sequence fα:ω2αa, indexed by some set a of ordinals. Then, for every function h:aω and i<ω, we … Continue reading

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The Engelking-Karlowicz theorem, and a useful corollary

Theorem (Engelking-Karlowicz, 1965). For cardinals κλμ2λ, the following are equivalent: λ<κ=λ; there exists a collection of functions, fi:μλi<λ, such that for every X[μ]<κ and every function f:Xλ, there exists some i<λ with ffi. Proof. (2)(1) Suppose … Continue reading

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