Dushnik-Miller for regular cardinals (part 1)

This is the first out of a series of posts on the following theorem.

Theorem (Erdos-Dushnik-Miller, 1941). For every infinite cardinal $\lambda$, we have:


Namely, for any coloring $c:[\lambda]^2\rightarrow\{0,1\}$ there exists either a subset $A\subseteq \lambda$ of order-type $\lambda$ with $c“[A]^2=\{0\}$, or a subset $B\subseteq \lambda$ of order-type $\omega$ with $c“[A]^2=\{1\}$.

In this post, we shall focus on the case that $\lambda$ is a regular cardinal.

Notice that the case $\lambda=\omega$ is precisely the infinite Ramsey theorem. Also notice that a statement of the form $\lambda\rightarrow(\lambda,\omega+1)^2$ is syntactically stronger than the above statement. To appreciate this difference, let us mention the following four:

Theorem (Laver, 1973). $MA+2^{\aleph_0}=\aleph_2$ entails $\omega_2\not\rightarrow(\omega_2,\omega+2)^2$.

Theorem (Todorcevic, 1983). $PFA$ entails $\omega_1\rightarrow(\omega_1,\alpha)^2$ for every $\alpha<\omega_1$.

Theorem (Todorcevic, 1989). If $\mathfrak b=\omega_1$, then $\omega_1\not\rightarrow(\omega_1,\omega+2)^2$.

Proposition (folklore). $\alpha\not\rightarrow(\omega,\omega+1)^2$ whenever $\omega<\alpha<\omega_1$.
Proof. Fix an injection $\psi:\alpha\rightarrow\omega$. Define $c:[\alpha]^2\rightarrow\{0,1\}$ as follows.
Given $\beta<\delta<\alpha$, let $c(\beta,\delta):=1$ iff $\psi(\beta)<\psi(\delta)$. There are the two possible cases.

Case 1: there exists a subset $A\subseteq\alpha$ of order-type $\omega$ such that $c“[A]=\{0\}$. Let $\{\beta_n\mid n<\omega\}$ denote the increasing enumeration of $A$. By the definition of $c$, and since $\psi$ is injective, we must conclude that $\langle \psi(\beta_n)\mid n<\omega\rangle$ is a strictly decreasing sequence of ordinals. This is a contradiction.

Case 2: there exists a subset $B\subseteq\alpha$ of order-type $\omega+1$ for which $c“[B]=\{1\}$. Let $\{ \beta_n\mid n<\omega+1\}$ denote the increasing enumeration of $B$, then $\{\psi(\beta_n)\mid n<\omega+1\}$ is a subset of $\omega$ of order-type $\omega+1$. This is a contradiction, as well. $\square$

In the case that $\lambda$ is indeed regular, the Erdos-Dushnik-Miller theorem will follow from the following stronger result.

Theorem (Erdos-Rado, 1956). For every regular uncountable cardinal $\lambda$, we have:

$$\lambda\rightarrow(\text{stationary subset of }\lambda,\text{closed copy of }\omega+1)^2.$$

Proof. Suppose that we are given a coloring $c:[\lambda]^2\rightarrow\{0,1\}$. Fix an elementary submodel $M\prec H(\lambda^+)$ such that $c\in M$ and $M\cap\lambda$ is an ordinal of countable cofinality, say $\delta$.

If there exists a cofinal subset $B$ of $\delta$ of order-type $\omega$ for which $c“[B\cup\{\delta\}]^2=\{1\}$, then we are done (as $B\cup\{\delta\}$ would make a closed copy of $\omega+1$). Next, suppose this is not the case.

It follows that there exists a finite set $b\subseteq\delta$ and an ordinal $\beta^*<\delta$ such that the two holds:

  1.  $c“[b\cup\{\delta\}]^2=\{1\}$;
  2.  $c“[b\cup\{\eta\}\cup\{\delta\}]^2\not=\{1\}$ for every $\eta\in(\beta^*,\delta)$.

Fix such $b$ and $\beta^*$. Then $b,\beta^*$ are in $M$, and hence all of the following sets are in $M$ as well:

  • $A_1:=\{ \gamma<\lambda\mid c“[b\cup\{\gamma\}]^2=\{1\}, \gamma>\beta^*\}$;
  • $A_2:=\{ \gamma\in A_1\mid c“[b\cup\{\eta\}\cup\{\gamma\}]^2\not=\{1\}\text{ for every }\eta\in(\beta^*,\gamma)\}$;
  • $A_3:=\{ \gamma\in A_2\mid c[(A_2\cap\gamma)\times\{\gamma\}]=\{0\}\}$.

Evidently, $c“[A_3]=\{0\}$. Thus, we are left with establishing that $A_3$ is a stationary subset of $\lambda$. As $A_3\in M$, the latter task reduces to showing that $M\cap\lambda\in A_3$. Namely, that $\delta\in A_3$. We have already seen that $\delta\in A_2\subseteq A_1$, thus to see that $\delta\in A_3$, we fix an arbitrary $\eta\in A_2\cap \delta$ and verify that $c(\eta,\delta)=0$.

Note that:

I. $\beta^*<\eta<\delta$ (since $\eta\in A_1$)
II. $c“[b\cup\{\eta\}]^2=\{1\}$ (since $\eta\in A_1$)
III.  $c“[b\cup\{\delta\}]^2=\{1\}$ (since $\delta\in A_1$)
IV. $c“[b\cup\{\eta\}\cup\{\delta\}]^2\not=\{1\}$ (by item I and since $\delta\in A_2$)

So, alotgether, it must be the case that $c(\eta,\delta)=0$. $\square$

In an unpcoming post, we prove the Erdos-Dushnik-Miller theorem for the case of a singular $\lambda$. We shall also point out that $\lambda\rightarrow(\lambda,\omega+1)^2$ fails for singular cardinals of countable cofinality, but otherwise holds provided that $2^{\text{cf}(\lambda)}<\lambda$.

We conclude this post with one last no-can-do observation:

Proposition (folklore). $\lambda\not\rightarrow (\text{club subset of }\lambda,3)^2$ for every ordinal $\lambda$ of uncountable cofinality.
Proof. Split $\lambda$ into two pairwise disjoint stationary sets, $S_0$ and $S_1$. Define $c:[\lambda]^2\rightarrow\{0,1\}$ by letting $c(\alpha,\beta)=0$ iff $(\alpha,\beta)\in (S_0\times S_0)\cup (S_1\times S_1)$.

Now, in any club $C\subseteq\lambda$, we can find $\beta\in S_1\cap C$ and $\alpha\in S_0\cap C\cap \beta$, and infer that $c(\alpha,\beta)=1$. I.e., $c“[C]^2\not=\{0\}$ for every club $C\subseteq\lambda$.
On the other front, if $B$ is a subset of $\lambda$ of size $3$, then for some $i<2$, we have $[B]^2\cap (S_i\times S_i)\neq\emptyset$ . Consequently, $c“[B]^2\not=\{1\}$. $\square$

Open Problem: Is it consistent that $\mathfrak b\rightarrow(\mathfrak b,\omega+2)^2$?

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19 Responses to Dushnik-Miller for regular cardinals (part 1)

  1. That was a fast write-up Assaf!

    I see that you simplified some of the arguments by writing `let b be a finite subset…’ as opposed to writing out the elements. This is a good habit that I keep trying to develop.

    For clarification, did you mean to omit the superscript 2 in some of the arrow notations? (eg. the folklore propositions, the Todorcevic theorems)

    • saf says:

      Thanks for your feedback, Mike!

      Indeed, I started by writing down the individual elements, but then got annoyed by the option that the set which I eventually called $b$ would be empty, so took another approach.

      Thanks also for pointing out the superscript omissions. I will fix this.

  2. Ari B. says:

    Here’s a question that’s bothering me. Shelah’s paper that you linked (“The Erdos-Rado Arrow for Singular Cardinals”) gives a positive result for cardinals satisfying the particular relation that you state. But it does not say anything about the case where that relation fails. So for example, if $2^{\aleph_1} > \aleph_{\omega_1}$, we do not know whether or not $\aleph_{\omega_1} \rightarrow (\aleph_{\omega_1}, \omega+1)^2$. I think that means that this problem is still open, right? If so, then why does the MathSciNet review for that paper of Shelah state “The author settles a question of Erdos, Hajnal, Mate and Rado, proving…”, when the question is only partly solved?

    • saf says:

      My guess is that the reviewer was under the impression that this solves the problem, because Shelah announced in an older paper that $\aleph_{\omega_1}\nrightarrow(\aleph_{\omega_1},\omega+1)$ is consistent.
      As far as I know, this theorem was never published, and this must mean that Shelah found a gap in the alleged proof.
      Altogether, I would say that this question is still open.

  3. Ari B. says:

    For a regular cardinal $lambda$, the relation $\lambda\rightarrow(\lambda, \omega+1)^2$ can be iterated to give $\lambda\rightarrow(\lambda, (\omega+1)_k)^2$ (for finite k). This works if all you want is the homogeneous set of the required order type. But can we get
    $$\lambda\rightarrow(\text{stationary subset of }\lambda, (\text{closed copy of }\omega+1)_k)^2,\quad\text{(for finite k)}?
    It seems to me that this doesn’t follow automatically, since the stationary subset of lambda is not necessarily closed, so when you iterate you get only a copy of $\omega+1$ that is relatively closed in the stationary set, not necessarily closed in the original lambda. Is there another way to do the iteration?

    • saf says:

      The above proof actually gives you what you are looking for. Namely, that whenever $lambda$ is a regular uncountable cardinal, and $S\subseteq{\alpha<\lambda\mid\text{cf}(\alpha)=\omega}$ is stationary, then to any coloring $c:[S]^2\rightarrow{0,1}$, either there exists a stationary subset $A\subseteq S$ with $c“[A]^2={0}$, or $c“[B]^2={1}$ for some closed subset $B\subseteq S$ of order-type $\omega+1$.

      Simply take the model $M$ such that $S,c\in M$ and $M\cap\lambda\in S$.

  4. Pingback: Dushnik-Miller for regular cardinals (part 2) | Assaf Rinot

  5. Pingback: Dushnik-Miller for singular cardinals (part 2) | Assaf Rinot

  6. Pingback: Fourteenth Linkfest

  7. Hi Assaf,

    I think there’s a minor mistake in your proof of the Theorem, but it can be fixed and actually simplifies the proof a bit. You state $c“[A_3]={0}$ is evidently true, but in fact this is the case iff $A_2 = A_3$. Since it’s clear that $\delta\in A_2\in M$, $A_2$ is stationary, so it actually suffices to show that $c“[A_2]={0}$. This is easy: take $\eta<\gamma\in A_2$. Then $c(\eta,\gamma)=0$ by points II, III, and IV at the end of the proof.


    • saf says:

      Thank you, Amit!
      The proof indeed (implicitly) shows that $A_2=A_3$. In any case, to make the “evidently” truly evident, I changed the definition of $A_3$ from
      $${ \gamma\in A_2\mid c“[A_2\cap\gamma]^2={0}},$$
      $${ \gamma\in A_2\mid c[(A_2\cap\gamma)\times{\gamma}]={0}}.$$

      Thanks, again.

      • Hi Assaf,

        Yes, I think that works. My suggestion was that you don’t even need to mention $A_3$. Clearly $\delta\in A_2\in M$ so $A_2$ is stationary. Then you can show $c“[A_2]={0}$ using the exact same argument (points I-IV) you used to show $\delta\in A_3$, just replace all occurrences of $\delta$ with some $\gamma\in A_2$ with $\eta < \gamma$.

        Interestingly, with $A_2$ it's easy to see that it's stationary but it takes an argument to show that its image under $c$ is ${0}$. For $A_3$ it's the opposite: its image is clearly ${0}$ (given your new definition) but it takes an argument to show it's stationary. Even more interestingly, the argument to show the image of $A_2$ is ${0}$ is exactly the same argument used to show $A_3$ is stationary. So $A_3$ doesn't gain you anything.


        • saf says:

          I totally agree. Basically, I had to choose between writing “Here’s an homogenous set — let’s see that it is large” to “Here’s a large set, let’s see that it is homogeneous” :).

  8. Pingback: The P-Ideal Dichotomy and the Souslin Hypothesis | Assaf Rinot

  9. Ari B. says:

    The “Open Problem” above is answered (positively), assuming the consistency of a measurable cardinal, in this paper by Raghavan and Todorcevic:

  10. David says:

    As to the result of Erdos and Rado assuming CH it holds that: $\omega_2 \rightarrow (\omega_2, \omega_1 + 1)^2$, also the 0-homogeneous set can be made stationary [Handbook of Set Theory, ch. 2., 3.11]. Can it be strengthened to also require the 1-homogeneous set to be closed, i.e. a club subset of some uncountable ordinal $< \omega_2$ ?

    • saf says:

      Hi David! Let us demonstrate that $\omega_2\nrightarrow(\omega_2,\text{closed}(\omega_1+1))^2$.
      For every limit ordinal $\beta<\omega_2$, fix a club $D_\beta$ in $\beta$ of order-type $cf(\beta)$,
      and then pick a coloring $c:[\omega_2]^2\rightarrow\{0,1\}$ such that, for every limit ordinal $\beta<\omega_2$, and every $\alpha<\beta$, $c(\alpha,\beta)=0$ iff $\alpha\in D_\beta$.

    • $\blacktriangleright$ For every cofinal subset $S$ of $\omega_2$, we may find some $\beta\in S$ such that $S\cap\beta$ has order-type $>\omega_1$, and hence, there is $\alpha\in S\setminus D_\beta$, so that $c(\alpha,\beta)=1$.
    • $\blacktriangleright$ For every club $C$ in an ordinal $\beta$ of uncountable cofinality, we may find $\alpha\in C\cap D_\beta$, so that $c(\alpha,\beta)=0$.